I am Donald IfesinaChi Chijioke Nwokolo, AKA Dicn /di:kn/, which is an acronym for my names.
Born on the 18th day of October, 1983, I am from Enugu State, Nigeria.
I am religion-wise, a Yaahssogahn and a follower of Christ Yeshua (Jesus), Son of God Almighty.
I am a Writer of Diverse Genres of Literature, including Prose, Scriptwriting, Religious Writing and more.
I am also a Songwriter, Singer, Rapper, Soprano Voice Coach, Filmmaker, Graphics Designer, Printer, Arts Enthusiast and more.
Furthermore, I am a Public Speaker and an Expositor, both in Writing and in Speaking.
Very importantly, I am a Philosopher (Uncertified).
I am the Founder and until I present it to the public, the only member of my new religion- Yaahssogah- www.yaahssogah.biz
Also, I am the Inventor of the Completely New yet-to-go-public Language: Dicnei- www.dicnei.com
This Website is an Information Resource from me to whoever finds it useful.